What is education?
There is so much talk from so many sources about the importance of education. There is also much debate about what is necessary basic education versus idealogical indoctrination. What should, and should not, be taught in taxpayer funded public schools? Who should control the schools, who should control the curriculum?
Before I continue, I’ll just say that the most important thing that should be encouraged and actively developed is the ability to THINK CRITICALLY. Our children should question everything they are taught. That’s where new ideas come from, and how we prevent our schools from becoming indoctrination centers.
Some thoughts on what should be taught in PUBLIC schools: (feel free to disagree, I’m sure many of you will)
1) Communication - because you need ways to exchange ideas with others. People who are able to do this feel more engaged and understood. They tend to be more productive citizens.
Via the official language of your country
English, regardless of where you live, because it IS the international language of business
Another language that may prove useful in your life
Learn to write in each language; creatively, analytically and critically
Via a musical instrument, a lovely way to express your creativity, thoughts and emotions
Via the Arts, be it some physical media, acting or singing
2) Math - You must be able to count, measure and quantify for many reasons.
Health - It’s important to be able to prepare nutritious meals and manage your health indicators, such as weight and vital signs.
Financial - managing your money
Work - Most trades and professions have something that must be counted, measured, analyzed, bought, sold or traded. Math helps us erect buildings, design machines and develop countless other useful tools. An understanding of math is essential for success.
Science - Are there eny endeavors that count, measure, weigh, analyze and quantify more than the sciences. Without Math, there is no science.
3) Science - Understanding biology, physics, chemistry, and other scientific disciplines enables us to appreciate and protect the planet and the environment.
It enables us to better comprehend our own origins and consider best practices for our future.
It enables us to understand our own bodies and how to maintain our health.
It enables us to protect ourselves from the physical dangers that exist in our world.
It also gives a starting point for further explanation and discovery.
4) History - You need to understand how the world you observe came to be, vis-a-vis the events and actions of humans that preceded you. A comprehension of the local, regional, national and international cultures and insitutions is a prerequisite to maximizing your exploration of human life.
An understanding of cause-and-effect
Multiple perspectives on each topic studied (Many sides to every story)
How these events resonate in your world
How to critically analyze what you are being taught. Encouragement to relentlessly ask why?!
5) Information Technology - Our world is now so dependent on microprocessor-based devices and real-time data management that this education is absolutely required. With the coming developments in Artificial Intelligence all students will need to understand the digital processes of data capture, analysis, content creation and the dangers associated with these technologies.
6) Civics - All citizens of a society should understand the structure of their local, state and federal governments, as well as the institutions that control it. They should also be taught a healthy scepticism about these sourcew of authority and should question them whenevr the benefit of the citizenry is not being served.
7) Health & Physical Education - Everyone needs as mush knowledge as possible about how to care for their body and to keep it fit.
8) Business & Finance Basics - Everyone should have at least a basic understanding of money, finances, banking, real estate, equity markets and the investment instruments that are availbale to help them build wealth. A primer in business ethics should be included.
What should never be taught in PUBLIC schools?
1) Religion
2) Lifestyle Choices
3) Morals
4) Political preferences (if your students know your political affiuliation, you’ve failed)
5) No efforts by teachers to influence children into their world view
If students are actually taught to think critically, they will perform their own analysis of the information provided and make their own choices about what they will believe.
Finally, in my view, the public school “system” has strayed into far too many areas where they don’t belong, intentionally. Agendas and narratives are being promoted while important basic ares of knowledge are covered inadequately, or ignored altogether. There is a reason that the number of students who are home-schooled or attend private schools continues to rise.