Do My Bidding
In a previous existence, I was a relatively successful business man. Occasionally, I would be called upon to attend fundraisers for politicians. Attendance was expected when the events were hosted by people who paid my company many thousands of dollars annually for my services. I have never been a “political animal”, never trusted the process or the people involved. My attendance at these fundraising events confirmed my suspicions.
At the last political fundraiser I ever attended, I asked the host what the candidate’s position was on issues that affected my industry. The host looked at me, in complete seriousness, and said, “I don’t give a damn what he thinks. I’m sending him to the legislature to do what I need him to do. If he fails, I’ll get someone else.”
Understand that wealthy donors, and Political Action Committees (PACs), fund / OWN people who “represent” you at County, State and Federal levels of government. Doubt this at your own peril.
Understand that, at the Federal level, corporate money is so pervasive in political campaigns, even in funding some agencies, that these organizations exert immense leverage over elected officials.
I read an article in 2020 that explained the financial realities of becoming a US Senator. At that time, during a 6 year term, a senator needed to raise over $40,000 EVERY DAY to fund their reelection campaign. The same article indicated that the average American donates less than $10,000 to political campaigns during their entire life. I think it’s fair to say that this average is skewed much higher by donations from the wealthy. The vast majority of Americans donate far less than $10,000. Given this data, who’s bidding do you think the Senators are doing?
Does it seem reasonable to you that we should eliminate PACs? Should we further restrict the maximum donation from individuals and mandate that only individual HUMAN registered voters may make such a donation?