It’s Not Personal

Very few external things, people, situations in life are "personal", as in, they actually define you and your value.  WE make things personal.  WE take offense, WE feel hurt or WE assign heightened status to ourselves. Events just occur.  People just say things.  WE determine how we will let these things affect us based upon the values WE have chosen and the meanings WE have ATTACHED to them.  


No one can offend you. You can only choose to feel “offended”. If someone, whom you do not know, respect or otherwise care for, says something that invokes an emotional reaction in you, why?  Examine the source.  Examine the comment.  Examine your reaction to it.  Chances are they touched on some “truth” that you are not particularly comfortable with. If so, where does the issue really lie, with you?  If the person who makes the “offensive remark” is someone you love, trust and/or respect …AND… you truly believe they have your best interests in mind, then carefully examine the statement and your reaction to it.  Again, chances are that the real issue lies with you.

If, upon careful reflection, (open, honest, logical self-analysis), you come to the conclusion that the comment is not valid or relevant, then why feel offended.  If you are so moved, contact the person who made the remark, share your THOUGHTS and the basis for them and open up the possibility for the other person(s) to be educated, and you as well.

The current trend of screaming about our perpetual state of feeling offended does nothing but promote demonization of non-orthodox (but perhaps accurate) thought.  It obscures truth, prevents learning, and hinders improvement of human relations.

Offended – It is attached to YOUR feeling of self worth, something that you have attached some meaning to, meaning that may only be related to what other people think. Why do you care? If it’s societal, be true to yourself and look for opportunities to share your views. Just be sure to recognize that the feeling of being “offended” lies within YOU.


The Cost of Control


What is a society?