Good & Evil

No such things.... We made them up!

There is simply the set of things that are capable of occurring in this realm and how we choose to label them.  There are no primal, mystical forces of "good" and "evil".  There is no such thing as "right & wrong". Same deal.  

These are leftover relics from our unenlightened past. These concepts are still being used by politicians and clerics in their attempts to maintain control over our lives.

If these thoughts overwhelm you, then, without invoking a god, explain to me where good and evil come from, if they are not the creation of the human mind? What particles, blasted into the universe by the Big Bang, created good and evil? If you’re truly a “believe the science” person then please devise an experiment to prove the existence of these entities.

If you are a ‘person of faith’ then no amount of logic-based discourse will suffice. But…

The universe is constantly, ceaselessly operating based on it’s inate physical laws. These laws can manifest an inexhaustible variety of matter, events and outcomes. All of these things emanate from these physical laws, without mystical intervention.

Some of these things can cause us harm or death. We fear these things, and our inability to do anything to prevent them makes us feel the need to label them.

We expend much time, thought and resources trying to stop these things. We create gods and religions to protect us from the harm these things can bring. We assert that “evil” events are punishments from our gods for our bad behavior. We stack layer upon layer of labels, restrictions, prayers, condemnations, etc., upon these things, yet they persist. These things exist and occur in spite of our efforts.

Likewise, those things that bring us joy and pleasure have been labeled as gifts from the gods we have created. These gifts are for our behavior that is favorable to our created gods. Then, when “evil things” happen to people who have behaved in a “good” manner, we struggle to understand how our gods could have allowed this to happen. When someone we deem as “evil”, receives these “gifts”, which they so obviously do not deserve, we also struggle to understand that.

How does all of this occur? - "WE Made It Up".

So, since there is no physical science for good or evil, should we just let people do whatever they want? No! We need rules to keep our societies peaceful and orderly. Let’s just not attach some mystical morality to them. If we take as our highest value, liberating humans to think, explore, innovate and express, then we need rules to maximize this. Physical acts that infringe upon the opportunity of a human to peacefully pursue this value should be restricted. Murder, assault, rape, theft, etc., must be controlled so that peace and trust can permeate a society and free our minds to think.


Life is Short

