We, you and I, in our current form, have not always existed. Humans have not always existed. Our Earth, solar system, galaxy and universe have not always existed as we know them now. Virtually everything that we know of is impermanent. We're not even the same beings we were a year ago. We're not physically, emotionally or spiritually 100% the same. All of us, and the environment we exist in, are changing, always. To use a cliché, “The only constant is ‘change’ ”. Yet, we try so hard to build things that will last.
Entropy is endless, constant.
So, is anything permanent...
If everything is impermanent, what conclusions should we draw about how we live our lives? Perhaps, that experience and learning are far more important than acquisition of material things, even though there is also learning in the acquisition and maintenance of these things. The point is to choose your values, draw your lines, live your life based on what seems most genuine to you, all the while accepting input from people, places, things, and experiences, to help you to continue to grow.
Just don't let fear stop you from having your adventure. Don't worry about losing things. I assure you 100% that, sooner or later, we will all lose everything we have in this realm. That's the way this works...