
Energy and Information are, essentially, the entirety of the universe. What? Well, I’ll focus on the energy part here.

We all should be familiar with various forms of energy; such as light, electricity, electromagnetism, gravity, etc. Most of us have heard of e=mc2. This equation literally means that the amount of energy is equal to the mass of the object multiplied by the speed of light, sqaured. There is a direct correlation between energy and all of the ‘solid’ matter that we experience every day. That matter is, in fact, made up of energy.

Energy is the story of our existence, indeed, our lives.

Everything we do involves energy. Our bodies are made up of energy, our thoughts use and create energy. All of our emotions are a form of energy.

So, this is perhaps a potentially useful, thought; consider evaluating your relationships, (all of them) including family, friends and significant other, based  Do these relationships resonate with you in ways that provide a net energy gain?  Do you typically leave encounters with a person feeling invigorated or drained?  Do you feel "resonance" with that person?  Do you feel "lifted" or "inspired", or even just "entertained"?  Is there "value"?

It should be noted that there is value even in just observing those persons and relationships that drain you. There are lessons to be learned there too.

What about yourself? Do you invest your energy into your relationships, into your work, into your community? If their are aspects of your life that you are disappointed with, are you contributing the required effort to create the results you seek.

Life really is this simple. Manage the energy.

So, if you opt to share with us...if you care enough about a topic or an idea to "put it out there"...put your energy and passion into the message.  I can only speak for me...I'm looking to be inspired! Thank you.


This Question


Life is Short