This Question

How did our universe come into existence?

There are billions of people who have placed their ‘faith’ in one religion or another. They have chosen to believe the ‘creation story’ put forth by their religion. Once fully immersed in their particular idealogy, they tend to cease searching for any other answers about how and why humans came to exist on planet Earth. Fine, it’s their journey, they can do what they want.

Then, there are those who choose to follow the scientific approach. They want an evidence-based explanation for the existence of the universe and humankind. Based on hundreds of years of research, the Big Bang theory of creation has been developed. There is a lot of data to support most of this theory, although there is still much to discover.

If you accept the Big Bang theory, or some other scientific explanation, we are still left with the question of what existed before the Big Bang. Bottom line, this universe was either created from nothing, or from something that pre-existed it. (Or, is there some other process that is still beyond our intellectual reach?) Either way, what caused the nothing or the something to explode into our universe, eventually creating humans?

This is where the faith-based communities will insert God. In their view, surely their god could create this universe from nothing or fashion it from matter previously created. Science currently has no methodology for measuring and testing anything other than that which exists inside our universe. They have no means to physically look back further.

So, we are left with this unanswerable question; What or who created our universe, and why? Think about it all you want but we simply lack the logic tools to get past it. I have literally devoted thousands of hours of my life to these musings and I suspect I will invest many more.

But, in the interim, I will simply accept that whatever this is, I am a part of it and I’ll just take the ride and see where it goes.


What’s it worth?

