You Make Me Think

The greatest compliment you can direct my way is to say, “You make me think.”

Why? Because the thing that truly makes us special, as humans, is our ability to reason, our ability to think. We can not only “read and react” to our surroundings, which is really more survival instinct and emotion, but we can think conceptually and we can think critically. We can generate new thoughts and ideas. We can take information and use it to engineer new things, that had never existed before. We can create art.

Some would posit that it is our capacity for empathy and compassion that is our ‘badge’ of humanity. I’ll have to disagree. This does not make us unique among the species. Simply put, we have a capacity for thought that is unrivaled on this planet. We must have the intellectual ability to collect, assimilate and analyze information in order to understand the plight of another being. From thence springs compassion.

We understand via thought, then we feel.

So, think a lot today. If possible, inspire someone else to think. The more we think, the more real life gets.



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