Capitalism, Socialism, Communism. Choose your “ISM”. All of them, theoretically, seek to create the most benefit for the people living in their societies. However, the problem with all “ISMs” is that people are involved. The philosophical underpinnings of each ISM make assumptions about the behavior of citizens. The assumptions are always, I repeat, ALWAYS, flawed. People are not created equal with regard to intellect, curiosity, empathy, work ethic, assets, social network, desire to succeed, etc.
People have a wide variety of thought processes about what is fair and just and equitable. People possess an incredible capacity to rationalize their behavior, when a situation can accrue to their benefit. Even though it is often greed or deep-seated (perhaps even subconscious) insecurity, they can convince themselves of the righteousness of any action they may take. Because of this, we will never see a pure form of any ISM take hold in any human society. People just can’t handle it.
Regardless of the ISM at work in any country, there are people who are in positions of “leadership” and authority. They possess power. Power corrupts. They control the treasury. Access to wealth corrupts. The impulse of most people in power is to use their position to enrich themselves. Some, perhaps most (nah), may start out with a sincere desire to “serve” their community. When opportunity after opportunity after opportunity is presented to them, to use (abuse) their position for personal gain, few are strong enough to resist. Especially when they see many others doing it. When they realize the depth and scope of the corruption, and the tremendous difficulty in eradicating it, they allow themselves to be woven into the web of favors and loyalty that runs a society.
In this environment, so many people, at every level of a society, are technically guilty of crimes, that no one in the system will speak out against those who commit egregious crimes. The “justice” system is twisted like a pretzel to excuse this behavior. At the top of all ISM societies sits an all-powerful group of tyrants and bureaucrats who quickly move to squelch any sign of honesty. Yes, this is true even is “free” societies.
Control the media. Control the narrative. Control the wealth. Control the legal system. Control the means of production. Control the military. Then tell your citizens they are free. Free, as long as they stay within the parameters set by the tyrants. Free to vote for anyone they want as long as the choices are pre-approved by the tyrants.
On the lower end of the income scale, there are those who will abuse any social programs that a society creates. Those who are predisposed to working hard, contributing to society and earning their assets become angry and disillusioned by those who are parasites of the system.
All of the ISMs reduce to a wealthy ruling class, a middle class that works to generate the wealth and a poor class that, for various reasons, is an economic drain.
I could delve more deeply into each aspect of this, and perhaps I will in a future post. (count on it) Suffice it to say, whatever form of economic and political model is at work in your country, there are people who seek to abuse it, rich and poor. The rot spreads throughout society until too many lies have been told and too many promises are broken.
Then…bad things happen.