Level Up?

“Water seeks its own level”, so goes the old adage.

I suppose there is a lot of truth here, especially when that ‘water’ is people. Members of our species tend to form relationships and associations where we feel comfortable. The vast majority of people spend their lives in the shallow waters. These people fall for the myth of safety. Unwisely believing they are more secure close to shore rather than ‘risking’ the adventure of sailing into ‘the unknown’.

Those who learn to navigate the greatests depths develop a sense of mastery over those who cling to the shore. They know how to control the ‘seas of life’ and, even though they’re unlikely to openly admit it, they feel superior. They come to believe that they ‘know best’. Their sense of authority leads them to control societies and to develop the rules of engagement therein. These rules seldom accrue to the benefit of those ‘living in the shallows’.

The important business is done at the top. Wealth accumulates at this level. Those at each depth will reach down to a few on the level below, extending favors to secure loyalty. It’s those in the shallows who have nowhere to reach, but up, in search of help. To beg.

Those who reside “at the top” teach the secrets of this life only to their own family and friends, therein perpetuating generations of ‘master seaman’ who retain control of ‘the depths’ and the rich resources found there. Sailing from the shallows to the depths, in an attempt to improve your lot, is extremely difficult. The seas are rough and filled with danger, both natural and contrived to impede your journey.

But, journey you must. You must ‘Level Up”. To remain on the shore is to hand control of your life to someone else. If you want the level of your seas to rise, along with the degree of your control over your own life, then you must sail out into the unknown and learn for yourself the secrets of the seas. The more you understand the nature of relationships at each level, and between each level, the more your eyes will open to the realities of control in our society.

The more we concentrate authority at the highest levels, the more those at the lower levels become impoverished, ignored, and disposable.




The Quest for Control