
I marvel at the people who are quick to identify “bad” behavior in others, but are amazingly slow to see the same behavior in themselves. Some current examples:

1) Those who want to ban books but bristle at the mere thought of someone telling them what to do.

2) Those who decry the banning of books but are eager to shutdown social media platforms where anything is posted that offends them.

3) Those who adamantly defend their right to choose an abortion (my body my choice) but who are horrified at the thought that someone whould commit suicide. Isn’t it “their body, their choice”?

4) Those who want to ban abortion, declaring the sanctity of human life, but send their children off to be slaughtered in unnecessary wars, in the name of “God” and “Country”.

All I ask is for some consistency of thought and values. Decide how much you value human life, then defend it consistently. Decide how important free speech is to a society, then proceed accordingly, consistently.

It’s the self-serving, situational ethics model with which I take issue. Figure out what you believe about this realm. Figure out what you truly value, then THINK! Think through your positions and actions on the issues of your time. Cross-reference your positions on various issues. Are they consistent, or do you morph your ideas to suit what pleasures you?

This is the space where hypocrisy grows, or disappears, depending upon your values and your strength of character.


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